Stages of the Disease in Relapse Prevention

Stages of the Disease in Relapse Prevention | Hopelinks

When working to prevent relapse it is often helpful to know what to expect from the disease of alcoholism or drug addiction. If you do then you can understand what someone may be going through and plan accordingly.

Early Symptoms

  • Increase of Tolerance
  • Temporary Loss of Control
  • Sneaking Chemicals
  • Preoccupation
  • Hurried Ingestion
  • Loss of Memory Increases

Middle Symptoms

  • Loss of Control
  • Alibis or Excuses
  • Reproof or Upset by Others
  • Extravagance Money, Time & advice
  • Aggressive
  • Persistence
  • Periodic Abstinence
  • Change in Chemical Pattern
  • Resentment
  • First treatment
  • Escape (geographical, psychological, social)

Chronic Phase

  • More or less continuous use of chemicals 24 hours binges.
  • Ethical Deterioration
  • Inconsistent Inappropriate Thinking
  • Indefinable Fears
  • Tremors
  • Pshycho-Motor Inhibition
  • Recognition

Relapse Prevention, the Sober & Recovery Stages

Some people may be sober and feel life is not improving, so completing a ‘quick check’ can help them see which direction they are going.

Sometimes people can be sober and stay stagnant because they are not willing to accept the positive.

The answers should be a yes or no.

If there is one no answer look at the program.

Five no’s are a sign of danger.

  • Are you abstaining from all mood altering chemicals? (Alcohol and Drugs)
  • Do you feel alcoholism is an illness?
  • Do you know have a sponsor?
  • Is your life different since you quit using?
  • Are you getting regular food and sleep?
  • Do you have better family relationships?
  • Does your family approve of your recent behavior?
  • Are you thinking more clearly?
  • Are you more comfortable with your job?
  • Are you more tolerant of others?
  • Do you have goals and hope for the future?
  • Do you believe past difficulties were of your own doings?
  • Have you had a physical checkup?
  • Have you done a personal inventory?

Notes on Nutrition

  • Eat Slowly & Have Snacks
  • Eat When Hungry
  • Make Sure to Get Protein, Especially in the Morning

Foods for Health

  • Carbohydrates: Need to be eaten in amounts so that 60% of total food intake is in the form of carbohydrates to provide energy, especially in brain and nerves.
  • Protein: Which needs to be eaten in sufficient amounts to keep the body in balance and build/maintain muscle.
  • Vitamins: Critical for healthy digestion and use of nutrients listed above: found in food

Many vitamins are lost with substance use, alcohol especially. A habit of daily vitamins may be useful.

  • Minerals: Determine fluid balance, nerve function, structure of bones and teeth, (Calcium, Manganese, Sulfur, Fluoride, Choline
  • Snacks for energy: string cheese, nuts, hard boiled eggs, peanut butter with celery, raisins, graham crackers, vegetables or fruit, cottage cheese.

This is an informational listing from general addiction, alcohol and drug abuse treatment, and not to be used in place of a physicians recommendations or a person’s specific needs. The main purpose is to show that a healthy diet is necessary to keep the body functioning.